

Time Distortion Techniques

In this hectic fast pace world, accelerated learning techniques are becoming increasingly more necessary. Learning through time distortion is harnessing the subconscious through conscious direction. "Instant" mental calculators and high speed readers (over 2,000 wpm) experience a sense of time distortion as information flashes through their mind in only seconds. Through self-hypnosis, you too can learn to review information in a time distorted fashion.

As an example, one concert violinist put herself into a self-hypnotic trance and through self-induced time distortion practiced her music in several different ways. By "playing" the difficult spots mentally, it helped her finger memory to improve in speed and accuracy. She was able to review long pieces over and over in very brief "world" time periods, and her technique and technical performance improved strikingly.

By repeating memorized material in a time distorted fashion, valuable associative patterns can be firmly established and conscious recall becomes more available. Using time distortion, problems can be reviewed and approached from all angles in a matter of seconds. Hypothetical lectures, appointments and scenes can be laid out in your mind, prepared for and visualized in a brief amount of time. Kinesthetic body movements in gymnastics or the martial arts can be reviewed in this way as well. Doing 'instantaneous' calculations and high speed mathematics can be learned with time distortion. In a similar way solutions to everyday problems can be achieved effortlessly and quickly. By simple trusting your subconscious mind, you establish a better awareness and faith in your own abilities.

As Einstein pointed out, time flows at different rates for each person. Some people have experienced their whole life flash before their eyes in a matter of seconds just prior to a sudden death-risking situation. Also dream researchers have discovered that a one minute dream sometimes feels like hours to a dreamer. In one experiment, hypnotized subjects were given imaginary tasks to perform in their minds -- like designing a dress and preparing a complicated meal. They were tricked into thinking they had an hour to accomplish their tasks, but they really had only 10 seconds. After 10 seconds had elapsed in world time, the hypnotized subjects experienced intricate and accurate detail in their inner perception that seemed to them to be a complete hour! Given the same tasks in the waking state often stymied them so badly that they couldn't think of a single dress design and actually prepared a meal in a very disorganized fashion. A posthypnotic interview revealed that the subjects experienced no difference in their "thinking" and that at no time did they feel hurried or speeded up. Time distorted thought thus seems to have superior clarity to normal conscious thought beset with constant distraction.

The experiment was achieved by starting a metronome at 60 beats per minute while the hypnotist stated that he was slowing it down gradually. The subject was to listen carefully as he did so and when in the subject's opinion the metronome had been slowed down to the rate of one stroke per minute, the subject would acknowledge by saying, "Now." The metronome's beating always remained the same, but the hypnotist progressively encouraged the state of suggestibility in the subject by saying that the metronome was going still slower. The same suggestibility can be achieved in a self-hypnotic state.

Use an audible second-ticking clock or a metronome stroking at 60 beats per minute. Assume a comfortable position in a chair or a bed, and achieve a self-hypnotic state. After getting into a deeply relaxed state, your heartbeat will entrain itself to the slow rhythm of 60 beats per minute. Concentrate on deep rhythmic breathing and clear your mind to allow your brain waves to also slow down.

You can memorize and say the following statements to yourself or you can put them on a cassette tape for playback when you're relaxed. Now begin using the following suggestions on yourself:

1) I am feeling good. I am feeling wonderful.
2) The beats are slowing now -- slower - slower.
3) The time between each beat is seeming longer and longer.
4) I am relaxed and I have lots of time.
5) Time is only relative to what I want it to be.
6) Each stroke is further and further apart now.
7) There is lots of time.
8) I feel so relaxed and at peace with myself.
9) Time is slowing down.
10) Each beat of the metronome feels distantly separated.

Repeat the above suggestions or similar ones over and over to yourself until you "feel" that each click of the metronome is spaced between 2 - 4 minutes apart. Bring into mental focus the material you want to review and say the following:

1) I have plenty of time to review this.
2) Every time I do this, I improve myself and my performance.
3) I am relaxed and taking my time.
4) The more I practice, the easier it becomes.
5) I am feeling good and experiencing no hurry.
6) I have all the time that I need to accomplish this review.
7) I am completing my review.

At this suggestive state of mind, you can review any material you wish in a matter of seconds over and over again. By being relaxed and saying to yourself that you have lots of time, your mind does indeed 'create' lots of time. You work at optimal levels of efficiency when you are relaxed and enjoying yourself. The more you practice this exercise, the easier it will become. Bring yourself out of the self-hypnotic state by counting backwards from 10 to 1 and then progressively awaken. Always give yourself a post-hypnotic suggestion that the next time that you want to experience self-hypnotic time distortion, it will be easier and faster to undergo. You can even create a tape for yourself with the above suggestions.


  1. I don't think Einstein's Theory of Relativity applies in the sense of this article. The effect of time on a physical body is different from the psychological perception of time.

  2. tl; reading later, it seems interesting

  3. tl;dr is almost a sarcastic comment with this kind of article...

  4. Good post I found it interesting, Showing you some support :D

  5. I really, really need to learn how to do this.

  6. amazing. i need to try this out one day.
